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a cura di Manolo De Agostini

Nella giornata di ieri vi abbiamo proposto quello che sta diventando un caso, ovvero la "faida" mediatica tra TheInquirer, l'azienda Rydermark e alcune testate che hanno accusato il sito web londinese e gli sviluppatori di voler gettare discredito su Nvidia grazie a immagini che proverebbero presunte carenze nel supporto DirectX 9. L'accoppiata è stata accusata di aver manomesso le immagini in rete riguardanti Nvidia, nel tentativo di screditarla.


VGA - novità sul caso Rydermark/Nvidia

Dopo le accuse di ieri, TheInquirer non ha esitato a rispondere (testo integrale qui):

YOUR HUMBLE INQ, together with the developer of Rydermark, has been accused of a serious Photoshopping job. A link to the accusations is here.

Anyone who knows any kind of shader programming knows that the shader can mimic any filter from Photoshop. It is as simple as that, and I don't have any idea why I should bother to Photoshop anything or why a developer might bother to do so either.

I have enough stories to write, and I don't need to make ones up. And I wouldn't benefit from the practice at all. It is as simple as that.

And I can't see why a developer would bother to do such a thing either. We are talking here about people I have known for close to five years. They never messed me up before, so I stand by my story.

The developer is furious about the allegations posted by Anand's spawn, as this affects his credibility as much as it does ours. This is what you get when you take on PR departments of the multi-billion dollar companies. But we've negotiated such terrain before and we will prevail [You been chatting with Dubya, Fudo? - News Ed.] this time. If we are right on this, and we strongly believe we are, then Nvidia will be in serious trouble.

We are working hard with the developer to present more proof to our eager audience of millions and we may even have a video to show you, but this thing could take a few days. We don't want do give the story up.

La testata respinge in toto le accuse, sia a suo carico che eventualmente a carico degli sviluppatori e afferma che sta lavorando alacremente con gli stessi per presentare ulteriori prove, tra le quali potrebbe esserci anche un video. Tuttavia, per questo dovranno passare alcuni giorni.

Dailytech rilancia riportando un aggiornamento alla notizia pubblicata ieri:

Update 07/19/2006: The Inquirer has posted something resembling a rebuttal to this article. Incredibly, a user from the ModTheater.com forums managed to track down some of the stock art used in the screen renders, and believes the entire image is actually fraudulent.

Come vedete, un utente ha cercato prove che andrebbero a confermare la modifica delle immagini. Dal canto nostro ci teniamo super partes e vi informeremo sull'evoluzione della vicenda.