Avatar di Manolo De Agostini

a cura di Manolo De Agostini

In questi giorni sono stati rilasciati alcuni driver e utility per ATi e NVIDIA, ve le riassumiamo:

- DNA-Force v1.2.7590 (2000/XP)

Changes in this Version

  • Based on the ForceWare 75.90 Release
  • Updated support for all NVIDIA cards incl NVIDIA G70 (new gen)



ATI Optimized Driver v2.1 by NGO

Release Notes:

* Based on the official Catalyst WHQL 5.2

* Readded Support for Windows 2000


All Radeon cards!

Optional tools:

* ATITool (overclocking Utility)

* RefreshForce (create custom refresh rates)



PowerStrip 3.58

Software simile a rivatuner per il controllo dei parametri delle schede video ATi e nVidia.

Download (se richiesta la password è: guru3d.com)

- DNA-Force v1.1.7180 (2000/XP)

VERSION:: DNA-Force 1.2.7590

* Based on the ForceWare 75.90 Release

* Updated support for all nVidia cards incl nvidia G70 (new gen)

Download (se richiesta la password è: guru3d.com)