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a cura di Manolo De Agostini

ATi ha rilasciato due giorni fa nuovi driver denominati CATALYST Beta 3 per sistemi Windows 64-bit. Li trovate qui.

This beta driver is supported on the following ATI RADEON products.

RADEON™ X800 series

RADEON™ X700 series

RADEON™ X600 series

RADEON™ X300 series

RADEON™ 9800 series



RADEON™ 9550

RADEON™ 9500 series

Known Issues

Installing the ATI Control Panel separately from the display driver results in the option to create a desktop shortcut not being presented

Attempting to launch the ATI Problem Report Wizard results in an error message indicating: Cannot find or run the file or program

Setting the display device to 1280x1024 and rotating the display by 90 degrees results in an error message being displayed when running 3DMark05

The Details button found in the ATI Options tab is currently unavailable

Clicking on the Change/Remove button found in the Add/Remove programs currently displays the bus type information as N/A

Note: Users may encounter D3D and OGL performance issues which may be due to lack of 64 bit AGP drivers within the beta version of the operating system. Users should verify whether their system has 64 bit AGP drivers installed. If you require AGP drivers, you should contact the AGP chipset vendors or motherboard manufacturers.