Avatar di Manolo De Agostini

a cura di Manolo De Agostini

Rilasciato Fraps 2.6.0, software in grado di rilevare Fps, fare foto e video ingame per Windows 2000, XP, 2003 e x64 Editions. Qui sotto gli aggiornamenti:

- Added custom movie frame rate selection (record from 10 to 100 fps)

- Added option to capture video with or without hardware mouse cursor

- Added support for 1-bit Windows hardware cursors

- New 64-bit video capture engine under Windows x64

- Improved performance capturing half-size video on most systems

- Fixed PNG and JPG screenshots for native 64-bit games

- Fixed detailed benchmark statistics not saving for native 64-bit games

- Fixed OpenGL error raised when capturing with Radeon graphics card

- Fixed horizontal graphic noise in video capture of old DirectX titles

- Fixed graphic corruption capturing Winamp AVS plugin - Fixed codec playback crash when out of memory

FRAPS 2.6.0 Download